Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Lab 2

1. The name of this quadrangle is Beverly Hills Quadrangle.
2. The names of adjacent quadrangles are Canoga Park, Van Nuys, Burbank, Topanga, Hollywood, Venlce and Inglewood.
3. Quadrangle was created in 1995.
4. National geodetic vertical datum of 1929
5. The scale of map is 1: 24000
6. (a) 1200
    (b) 1.894
    (c) 2.64
    (d) 12.5
7. 20 feet
8. (a) 34°04′00″,118°26′30″;34.07°,118.44°
    (b) 34°00′50″,118°30′10″;34.01°,118.50°
    (c) 34°06′00″,118°25′00″;34.10°,118.42°
9. (a) 500 feet; 152.4 meters
    (b) 140 feet; 40.7 meters
    (c) 800 feet; 243.8 meters
10. Zone 11
11. 3763000'N, 362000'E
12. 1000000 square meters
14. 14°E
15. The water in the intermittent stream flows from north to south. 

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